Abama Hosts Ocean Policy Experts and the President of the Cabildo of Tenerife

Abama was honored to host a two-day event at the end of August that brought a delegation from Mission Blue together with Rosa Dávila, the President of the Cabildo de Tenerife, as well as researchers, local government, and other local and international conservation groups focused on the preservation of the unique marine environment of the Canary Islands and, specifically, the Franja Marina Teno-Rasca.

This marine area, located between the southwest coast of Tenerife and the island of La Gomera, is one of the most important cetacean habitats in the world. It is home to sizeable permanent populations of dolphins, whales, sharks, turtles, and a variety of other marine animals, as well as migratory populations of numerous species.

Abama has spent over a year working with Pelagic Life Canarias and its President, Francis Pérez, on a book, Abama Blue Ocean, designed to introduce non-experts to the life teeming under the surface of the archipelago’s waters.

Abama Blue Ocean Event Mission Blue

L to R: Rafael Picazo, Oris España; Max Bello, Mission Blue; Rosa Dávila, President of the Cabildo of Tenerife

While marine environments are always fascinating for their stark contrasts with our life on land, and for the infinite opportunities for discovery, the Franja Marina Teno-Rasca is an area of the Atlantic that is truly exceptional. The unique confluence of two major ocean currents and deep though temperate waters has made this area an ideal place for feeding and breeding. In turn, this has given rise to a density of whales and dolphins, in particular, that is unparalleled in Europe.

Mission Blue was founded by oceanographer and renowned marine biologist Sylvia Earle, and its aim is to heighten public support to establish a global network of marine protected areas. Communication and the dissemination of information to the public are key to this goal. The organization’s visit to Tenerife, led by international ocean policy specialist Max Bello, was, therefore, an important opportunity to unite government representatives, scientists, conservationists, and concerned private enterprises working on the issues facing the marine environment of the Canary Islands; and to establish a plan going forward.

Jose Castro ULPGC

José Castro, ULPGC, Fishing Expert

Attendees of at least one of the days’ events included the aforementioned Max Bello, of Mission Blue; Rosa Dávila, the President of the Cabildo of Tenerife; Ana Dorta, the Mayor of Guía de Isora; Francis Pérez, the President of Pelagic Life Canarias; Pedro Millán, Tenerife’s Director of the Department of the Natural Environment; Jacobo Marrero of Asociación Tonina; Carlos Mallo of Innoceana; Joaquin Labougle of Blue Nature Alliance; Jose Castro of ULPGC; Dan Crockett of Blue Marine Foundation; Carolina Manhusen of Ocean Born; Monica Navarro and Olivia Mandle of No es país para delfines; and Michael James of Oceana.

All agreed that collaboration between agencies, organizations and private enterprise was the way forward, and that we must continue in our efforts to educate the local population and international residents and visitors about the extraordinary nature of the marine environment that lies at our doorstep.

Elodie Casola Ana Dorta

L to R: Elodie Casola, Director of Marketing and Communications, Abama Luxury Residences; Ana Dorta, Mayor of Guía de Isora

We look forward to our continuing collaboration with this network of bodies and supporting all efforts for conservation in the region. As a part of the Tenerife community, Abama is committed to continuing to develop our sustainable practices and enhance our contributions to this vital cause and the scientists and conservationists leading the way.