We are delighted to announce that Abama Golf Tenerife and Abama Tennis have reopened as of the 2nd of July, 2020. Our award-winning Dave Thomas golf course is one of the highlights of any visit to Abama, and we’ve been waiting with eager anticipation to get out on the greens again. Likewise with our Tennis Center, which features some of the most spectacular views in the resort.
In a first phase, the hours will be somewhat limited, so please take note:
Open 5 days per week (Wednesday to Sunday)
Tee times available every 10 minutes from 8:30 – 14:00h
Abama Tennis will also open the same days of the week, from 8:30 – 16:00h
All golf reservations should be made at least 24 hours in advance through the Abama Golf website or via email at info@abamagolf.com. All tennis reservations should be made via email at info@abamatennis.com.
Our Golf Professionals, Sebastian and Joe, are available to give classes and these should be booked via email. Tennis lessons are also be available with a prior reservation. For the time being, the clubhouse restaurant will remain closed. If golfers wish to enjoy a drink after a round, the pool bar at Las Terrazas de Abama is open from 12 – 16h. Please keep in mind that you must also make a reservation at the pool bar. We will keep you updated on further developments as they arise.
We will be complying with the Safety Regulations and Precautions set out by the Royal Golf Federation.
We look forward to seeing you again shortly!