Until recently, Tenerife probably would not have come to mind if you were asked to name an international bastion of architectural innovation. It’s long been known more for its environmental diversity and mild climate than anything else. But Abama means to change all that. Last year the first of our Bellevue luxury villas at Abama Tenerife were released for sale, opening an exclusive community adjacent to our golf course. Set back from the rest of the resort, these elegantly appointed homes feature stunning ocean views and striking contemporary design.
The clean lines, natural materials, and walls of glass have the Bellevue properties recalling Le Corbusier and California Mid-century Modern. They are delivered completely finished and ready to move into, landscaping included. And, as is required of any true island home, each has a private pool on the ground floor, with the two-storey units featuring an additional mini-pool on the top floor.
Says Agustí Gomez, one of the community’s principal architects, “Bellevue was created with a very specific buyer in mind. The owner of a Bellevue property on Tenerife isn’t looking for four walls to inhabit on holiday. He or she wants to arrive at a second home as carefully crafted and maintained as his main abode. These properties are showpieces.”
And who could ever forget the importance of the interiors? Gorgeous architecture requires taste to match, and our decorator, Rita Rosés, has it in spades. She cut her teeth decorating the Palace and Ritz hotels in Madrid decades ago, but now she prefers the more intimate vignettes of the private designer home. On her choices she states,
“The origins of a home’s interiors, as far as I’m concerned, should always be drawn from the architecture that defines them, and this is most definitely the case with the Bellevue Villas at Abama. The properties’ contemporary and striking external facades have informed the colours, textures and composition of everything contained within them and really did dictate the style in which they were finished.”
24-hour security and high standards remain the norm at Abama, and our property management services are designed to keep these homes as pristine as the day the keys were delivered. A luxury villa whose beauty never fades? It all sounds as utopian as the island itself.