News, Solidarity

Abama Solidaria 2023

During the pandemic, Abama established Abama Solidaria as an organism through which to channel our social sustainability actions. Over the last four years, these have included contributing to the purchase of laptops during the pandemic for online schooling for children who could not afford them; the purchase of Christmas presents for children in the area; hygiene product and food drives; sponsorship of Ámate Tenerife, a wonderful organization that supports cancer patients and their families; and the collection of funds to purchase eyeglasses and dental care for families in need. Each year these projects are organized as part of the Sustainability Plan developed by the Abama Green Team, and we work internally to spread the word and solicit support from our property owners, as well as contributing directly.

Orthopedic Materials Drive

In April, Abama Solidaria teamed up with the Social Services Department of the City Government of Guía de Isora to contribute needed goods through a collection drive. This year they requested help with orthopedic equipment for public homes for the elderly, including wheelchairs and shower chairs. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to contribute almost €2,500 worth of equipment. 

Abama Solidaria Padel Tournament

In October, we hosted our first-ever Abama Solidaria Padel Tournament, opening the initiative to the public to join us in raising funds for the Volunteer Firefighters of Guía de Isora. We were delighted to welcome almost 50 teams of doubles to join us at the Abama Tennis Center, and the effort raised some €4,000 for the purchase of new equipment for the firefighters. You can read more about the Abama Solidaria Padel Tournament here.

El Primer Viaje

In November, Abama joined the “El Primer Viaje” initiative of the Cabildo de Tenerife, whose aim is to help protect local marine avian species, in particular the Cory’s shearwater (pardela cenicienta). During October and November on the island, many of these birds leave their nests for the first time, but can become disoriented by the lights of human dwellings on the coasts. The El Primer Viaje team helps individuals and businesses understand how to safely rescue any chicks they might find and guide them back to their natural ocean habitat. 

Christmas Drive

Near the end of every year, our holiday drive collects funds to buy presents for people on the island in need, and we deliver them in time for Three Kings Day through the Social Services Department of Guía de Isora. This is one of the most rewarding actions we undertake every year, and we’re so grateful to all our owners, in particular, for helping us make this a special time for these families.