People, Tenerife, Design

Carlos Curbelo, the floral artist that has marked the Abama Owners Cup

Sensitive, detail-oriented and versatile, Carlos Curbelo is the artist behind the floral pieces on display at our annual Gala Dinner. The event wouldn’t be the same without his extraordinary arrangements that mix color and nature together in an extraordinary interpretation of each year’s theme. 

Qualified as a Master Florist by the Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya, Curbelo has dedicated his career to exploring creative avenues that enhance the cultural profile of Tenerife in ephemeral events like Guía de Isora’s Pascua Florida. He has also generated work with a marked personality for interior design projects, and has been awarded numerous prizes, among them the PRENAMO 2019 for Professional Excellence in Floral Art and Styling. In this interview we explored his work and what inspires him.

You've been creating our centerpieces for the Owners Cup Gala Dinner for years now, as well as working on other events. How do you create such original designs for every occasion? What inspires you when you go to create a new proposal?

The creative process begins as soon as I hear about the theme of the event, and then I start developing ideas to make the perfect pieces. I'm inspired by nature, the Earth, the universe, and especially by the landscapes that surround us...the natural landscape that makes up much of the island. Once I decide on the idea I want to put forth, I start looking for materials and experimenting with them to create the effect I want within the theme of the event. The goal is always to create a perfect symbiosis between interpretation and the beauty of the flowers themselves.

You’re a floral artist that expresses yourself through interior design, landscaping, window dressing, fashion, and other media. With which do you feel most comfortable? Where do you feel your work shines the brightest?

I have developed my creativity and career in several areas, but I have tried to make my trademark be the originality and inspiration of nature in all of them. Probably the area in which I feel most comfortable is floral art: both its creation and teaching it to others. Sharing the knowledge you’ve gained over so many years, teaching people how to manipulate a flower and create something new through it…it’s wonderful. Nonetheless, as a creative person, it’s rewarding to have the option to develop in many different areas and to grow in all of them as an artist and a person. Right now, floral art is giving me the best opportunities to expand and shine, but there are other disciplines that follow close behind.

You’ve played a huge role in making Pascua Florida into the amazing event it is today. Do you think it’s something that could be promoted more, internationally? 

Pascua Florida is a floral art project that is part of the contemporary art movement, and unique in Spain. It’s a project that has a specific theme and makes us really look at flowers and any material that comes from nature. It does represent the best that Tenerife has to offer and should have more visibility nationally and internationally. Though it is a relatively new project, it’s very well marked on Tenerife’s cultural map, and proof is the ever increasing number of people that come to see it, particularly in the recent editions.


Your work as a creator of nativity scenes provides new ways to enjoy Tenerife during the holidays. What are the challenges you face when they commission you for a nativity scene?

My nativity scenes are a response to a contemplation of the needs of humans and the environment in which they find themselves. I understand Christmas as a time for rebirth within each one of us, and that's why I create scenes of daily life that communicate different kinds of messages. I hope to invite all of us to reflect on our actions and their repercussions in our lives, with love leading the way in everything we do and project. 

What are your goals for next year? Any projects you can reveal?

There are several projects on the horizon in 2024, and two in particular stand out. They’re not fully formed yet, but if they come to fruition, which should be clear soon, they certainly won’t go unnoticed. At the moment I can only say that in these projects I’ll be merging two of my favorite artistic disciplines, floral art and fashion, that have given me a lot of personal and professional joy.

Capable of expressing his emotions in a variety of creative environments, Carlos Curbelo demonstrates that there are no limits when it comes to his passion for shaping aesthetics and his pride in his roots. The floral art of Abama Resort Tenerife is marked by this passion and his professionalism, but if you're looking for ways to explore Tenerife culture, you can also see his work at Christmastime, on the runways, or during Easter's Pascua Florida.