Healthcare at home is a trending concern, with many people seeking solutions for themselves and their loved ones that will allow them to receive excellent personal care while surrounded by family. The option of investing in technology that can be incorporated into the home in a functional and aesthetically pleasing way is of growing interest for a society that sees lifespan expanding with every passing year.
While the pandemic demonstrated the tremendous capacity and generosity of health care workers everywhere, it also demonstrated that being able to care for your loved ones at home is priceless. As Diplomat magazine’s May/June 2021 issue notes, many families are looking to install high-tech health equipment that can meet the needs of their older relatives within the setting of the home.
Diplomat also notes heightened interest in destinations that offer unique facilities, citing the recent launch of the Bach Care Center at Abama as a cutting-edge example of healthcare at home. With a range of programs not only for treatment of existing cardiac issues but also for CVD prevention, the Bach Care Center offers anyone contemplating the purchase of a second home easy access to the only technology of its kind in Europe.
Our owners receive special offers from the Center, adding a healthcare at home feature to ownership that cannot be underestimated. We are fortunate to be located on one of the most beautiful islands in the world, and its tranquility and natural environment create the perfect backdrop for a life conducive to relaxation, one of the fundamental requirements for overall health.
Tenerife has been working hard to grow and maintain its designation as a sustainable destination, and the definition of sustainability has grown to include natural, social, economic, and personal elements. We are proud to offer healthcare at home as part of Abama’s overall prioritization of wellness, and one of the central tenets of our lifestyle proposal.